18:00 - 04:00

Open after 11 hrs


BHG Gate s.r.o., company registration number 07341253, registered office at Michalská 436/19, Prague 1, 110 00, as a personal data administrator (hereafter referred to as “Administrator”), explains in this privacy policy how the company uses the personal data users enter in the contact form:

The administrator processes user´s personal data in the extent you enter in the contact form (i.e. your name, e-mail address and possibly your phone number). This data is used to reply to the message submitted in the contact form by the user; it is therefore justifiably in user´s interest in order to contact the Administrator and receive a reply. These legitimate interests form the legal base of privacy policy.

User´s personal data can only be submitted to the third party once it is regarded as Administrator´s legal duty. This personal data is only stored for the time necessary to reply to the user´s message. Submitting one´s name and e-mail address is contractually required, unless user provides this data, it is not possible to use the contact form. Submitting one´s phone number is optional and the user is not obligated to provide this data to the Administrator. In such cases, the Administrator will use submitted e-mail address to reply to user´s message.

User is entitled to access all their personal data provided to the Administrator, request a correction, deletion or processing restriction thereof. User is also entitled to raise an objection regarding the personal data processing towards Administrator or Office for personal data protection.

Open daily: 6 pm - 4 am

Marketing: marketing@bauergroup.cz
Events and rentals: events@bauergroup.cz